Register a .Tk Domain. It's FREE!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cloak and tweet with Tweak

Tweak is a free service from dot Tk which is very similar to free URL shortening services like TinyURL. But with Tweak instead of creating a short URL from any domain you can create a brand new domain for your long URL. Sites like EzineArticles doesn't accept short URL as URL forwarded but accept only top level domain to forward visitors to any affiliate page. So on such sites you can use Tweak instead of other URL forwarding services.
As a free URL redirection service Tweak has following unique features:
  • Preview
    It's easy to find out where any TweaKed domain will take you without visiting the actual page. This is useful to check that the link will redirect to a destination you trust. Simply add a slash hyphen (/-) to the end of the domain, and instead of being redirected to the original long URL, you will be shown a preview page telling you where the link goes.
  • Additional keywords
    Anything in front of the Tweaked domain name is ignored. So if you'd like additional keywords or "hints" to a URL, you can take advantage of this to manually add them.
  • Tweet
    While creating the cloaked domain you can directly tweet to inform the whole world about your new domain.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dot TK is now ad free

Do you like free Dot TK doamins? But were disappointed with the annoying ads shown at top of your page which diverted a significant portion of your valuable traffic. Good news for you! Dot TK is now totally ads free. No ad is shown even on free accounts.

So it's high time to register your own free dot tk domain name with your own name or your brand name. Hurry before anyone else register your favorite names. Since this is totally free you should not miss the opportunity. Dot tk domains are getting popularity very rapidly. One day you may need to pay thousads of dollars to recover your favorite domain name from other people. So register your own free domain name now without any delay.